Attracting Guests to Your Vacation Rental: Proven Strategies

Attracting Guests to Your Vacation Rental: Proven Strategies

Imagine your stunning, cozy vacation rental property in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. The perfect place for guests to relax, unwind, and enjoy a break. Without a marketing strategy, that property will sit vacant, collecting dust and stealing money from your accounts in the process.

Before that happens, use these tips for attracting guests to your vacation rental. With these strategies, you can keep your rental property booked year-round! Start generating more income than ever before.

Use a Vacation Rental Platform

You won't attract different types of guests to your rental property if they can't find your listing online. Make sure your listing appears on more than one vacation rental platform, including:

  • Expedia
  • Airbnb
  • TripAdvisor
  • Vrbo
  • Agoda

Appearing on more than one platform will help you generate more visibility. It can also help you attract different guests. Before listing the property, consider who you're trying to appeal to.

For example, is your rental property a romantic getaway for couples or ideal for families? Determine your target audience to personalize your listings. Personalization can improve your marketing ROI by eight times.

Update the listing with your audience in mind. Write an interesting, compelling description that appeals to their needs and interests.

If you're marketing to families, mention family-friendly restaurants and activities in Steamboat Springs. To appeal to professionals, mention meeting spaces and restaurants. Appeal to couples by mentioning romantic getaways nearby.

Leverage Online Marketing

Online marketing can help you generate more bookings. Thoroughly clean and stage your rental property. Consider upgrading the property to better appeal to guests.

Hire a professional photographer to make sure the property looks appealing. Add keywords to the listing to appear for more online searches. Nearly 70% of all experiences online begin with a search.

Using relevant keywords will help you appear in front of your ideal renters.

You can also optimize social media posts with hashtags to appear on their feeds. Share your listing on multiple social media platforms to generate more traffic.

As you learn how to get guests to choose your listing, consider researching other Steamboat Springs properties online. What can your rental property offer that those properties lack? Use your competitive advantage to stand out and attract more guests.

Share Reviews

Positive reviews from previous guests could encourage future guests to choose your listing. Encourage recent visitors to share their reviews. Respond to their review promptly to let them know you appreciate the feedback.

Hire a Property Manager

If you're struggling to develop an effective online marketing strategy, consult a property management company. The best property managers already have effective marketing processes in place. They can save you valuable time and money while helping you learn how to get guests.

Look for a full-service company. Their maintenance, cleaning, and additional services can help you master the art of rental hosting.

Attracting Guests to Your Vacation Rental

Attracting guests to your vacation rental is essential if you want to generate revenue. Use these tips to start marketing your Steamboat Springs properties online. Otherwise, work with an experienced property management company.

Want to generate more bookings this year? PMI Steamboat has nearly 20 years of industry experience.

We can help you gain a competitive edge while adding value to your properties. Contact us today to attract more guests to your rental!
